Today we are talking about the computer programmer and the entreprener changed that billion people interact over a internet that's right, we are talking about the FACEBOOK founder ceo and chairman mark juckerberg

mark was born may 14 th 1984 in white plains new york ,, and his aptitude for science and technology was evident at an young age

His father thaught him basic computer programming while he was in the middle school and then a software developer took over a marks lessons although he found it hard to stay a head of mark whom he called him prodigy
Mark's also took a graduate level programming at a local college while he is still in his high school .

At Harward  writing code for what would become one of the most successful social net working platforms in history

by 2012 FACEBOOK had hit 1 billion daily users and the the company is now well worth 400 billion dollars as of 2017 mark is the fifth richest person in the world with a net woth of 71.8 ud dollars

and he is recognised one of the most influencial people in the world by TIME magazine every year since 2007

Mark jukerberg is always influenced ambition and the incredble success are a source of inspiration
lets look a close look of this innovator

The things you should know about Mark zukerberg

1.He turned down yahoo's one bilion dollars offer to buy facebook 

   not only yahoo there are number of companies iffering to buy facebook including viacom, google , friendster, the washigton post, myspace, NBC and AOL

   in 2006 yahoo made a 1  billiom dollars to buy a facebook from the 22 year old mark jukerberg

  at that  time of offer by yahoo,  facebook is just two years old and was about 9 million users and 20 million dollars in revenue still zukerberg even seriosly consider the offer  he had enough vision to realize that yahoo was undervaluing the company even with the billion dollar offer ,today facebook is worth an incredible 435 biion dollars

2. Marks jukerberg and his wife met in a bathroom line 

it's not among the most romantic of meetings , but may be it was a fate that brought mark and pricilla  make together , while waiting in abathroom line at some party

3. He makes about 9 billion dollars in a year from facebook

   After the disappionting IPO that saw mark's FACEBOOK falls 19 billion dollars to 17 billion dollars in a single day , and continued struggles his stake falls to 11.9 billion just a couple of months ,

Facebook bounced back in a bigway, infact its shares have increased over 282% since  since the IPO in 2012

profit margins have also increased to 37% to 19% in 2012.

Marks personally earns has earned an average of 9 billion dollars from facebook per year since 2012

4. Marks colourblind

Mark is red -green colour blind , it means that the clour best for him is blue , that's y blue is his favourite colur, and the primary colour of the facebook

5. He drives an expensive cars 

 While other billioniaries are driving in exotic supercars, and limited edition luxury vehicles.

 marks preders most practical and inexpensive kinds of transportaion , the three cars he drive more often was Honda FIT , acura TSX , volkswagen golf GTI

6. mark jukerberg tries to become a vegetarian 

7. The couple(mark juckerberg & pricilla ) wedding was surprising to guests 

8. mark jukerberg donated and donating 99% of his revenue to the society for better living 

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